Our dossier was submitted a week ago! We are so excited! We are headed to adopt this little boy very soon!
The closer we get to him, the more our hearts are really starting to feel this. God is allowing us to be the parents of a beautiful, handsome, sweet 10 year old. No matter what the future holds, God knows. He has already put in our path some of the most wonderful adoptive families who will help us transition "Nevada" home! Yes, in case you are wondering, the Brooksville families REALLY ROCK!:)
We are planning now for in-country fees! If you would like to help, it would be such a blessing!
Visit our Reece's Rainbow family page here to find out more and to see our fundraising progress!
Thank you all! So EXCITED to see what God is doing on behalf of our son!
Resting in God's timing and favor through it all,